Music for Adults

Painting & Drawing

Photography, Videography

Writing Studio

Music for Youth

Ceramics & 3D Arts

Art for Youth

Theater Film & Dance

Develop your imagination and skill in Art, Dance, Music (Adult and Youth), Theater and Writing. Our instructors are accomplished artists, passionate about teaching and helping you master skills and cultivate creativity.

The Community Music & Arts Center is based on the concept of infusing music and arts into our community. Our programs develop the practical and human skills required to effectively participate in the arts. Whether your outlet is a school, concert halls, and club, cultural center, museum, or even your home, engaging with the arts will broaden your perspective on social and historical ideas as you participate in helping to build today’s society.

Music Private Lesson Interest Form   CMAC's policies on tuition assistance, cancellations and more    CMAC Student/Parent Handbook   CMAC's Mission and Policies

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