
Course Description

Calling all future coders, programmers, and designers! Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges each day and be on your way to becoming the next tech star! Whether you want to be a silicon valley CEO or the high school student who just made $1 million dollars for programming in her bedroom, this course has the essentials you need to begin your journey. Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Returning students can create more advanced projects that build on previous years. For Online Students Only: Compatible with MAC, Windows and Chrome OS. This online program is taught by the staff at Black Rocket Productions. Login information will be emailed a few days prior to the start date.
Thank you for your interest in this course. While we currently do not have a section open for enrollment, we invite you to join us the next time the class is offered. To ensure you don’t miss out, please complete a Course Inquiry and we’ll be sure to notify you as soon as the next enrollment opens.
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