
Course Description

In this course, you will learn about the accounting equation and the five categories involved in every business (Assets, Liabilities, Owner’s Equity, Revenue and Expenses). Every financial transaction falls into one or more of these categories. Learn how to create a chart of accounts that meet the needs of your business. You will learn how double entry bookkeeping works and the process of recording debits and credits. This course will show you how to identify, analyze and record transactions using journal entries under the cash basis accounting method.

Note: This course is part of a Digital Badge for those who wish to earn a credential. You may register for this individual class, but if If you would like to earn the Digital Badge, register for LRN0176- Online Self-Paced Bookkeeping Digital Badge.



Course Outline

Unit 1

The Accounting Equation and Categories

The Accounting Equation

The Five Accounting Categories

The Chart of Accounts

Account Placement

Activity ~ Categorizing Accounts

Cash Basis Accounting vs. Accrual Basis Accounting

Unit 2

Debits and Credits


Debits and Credits

Double Entry Bookkeeping

Analyze Financial Activities (Transactions)

Unit 3

Assets, Liabilities, and Owner’s Equity

Recording Transactions for Assets

Recording Transactions for Liabilities

Recording Transactions for Owner’s Equity

Unit 4

Revenue and Expenses

Recording Transactions for Revenue

Recording Transactions for Expenses

Activity ~ Recording Transactions

Learner Outcomes

Sharon deFonteny has a degree in Business Education with a concentration in Accounting and spent many years in Corporate America working in Accounting and Finance. For the past 5 years, she has created and taught online Business courses for Bucks County Community College.  Her experience in business, as well as experience in teaching, has allowed her to help people understand the Accounting and Finance process.  

Applies Towards the Following Digital Badges

Thank you for your interest in this course. While we currently do not have a section open for enrollment, we invite you to join us the next time the class is offered. To ensure you don’t miss out, please complete a Course Inquiry and we’ll be sure to notify you as soon as the next enrollment opens.
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