LRN0117 - Advanced Excel
Course Description
Learning Advanced Excel contains these tools that can help you prepare your worksheets accurately, examine your data for authentication, and then find those answers to your most difficult questions. This course will help you learn these required business functions along with the tools required to analyze data efficiently within the workplace. Save time for yourself by protecting your valuable data and know with assurance that the entered data is accurate without any errors. By completing the course, discover how to attractively visualize your data into meaningful information with confidence.
Note: This course is part of a Digital Badge for those who wish to earn a credential. You may register for this individual class, but if If you would like to earn the Digital Badge, register for LRN0091- Online Self-Paced Excel Digital Badge.
Course Outline
- Applying multiple criteria to functions
- Using And criteria
- Using Or criteria
- Using And and Or and Not criteria
- Advanced Logical functions
- Using If -Then control statements
- Implementing If functions with Aggregate functions
Unit 2 - Functions Used to Make Financial Decisions
- Learning basic financial functions
- Applying functions to perform loan calculations
- Computing loan payments
- Computing interest rate
- Computing number of payment periods
- Computing present value of a loan
- Working with additional functions
- Understanding Different What-If Analysis Tools
- Performing What-If Analysis to see how data changes outcomes in formulas
- Using Scenario Manager
- Using Data Tables
- Using Goal Seek
- Applying rules to manage cell data
- Implement validation rules to avoid invalid entries
- Entering validation rules
- Avoiding duplicate data entries
- Exporting and Importing Data into Workbook
- Protecting a workbook
- Making improved business decisions using pivot tables
- Creating an Excel Dashboard to visually display relevant data
About Your Instructor:

With over 25 years’ experience in the IT field, John Rutledge has a BA in Psychology and a Diploma in Computer Programming as well as having received numerous certifications and awards. He holds a Microsoft Office Master Certification and has a globally-recognized ICDL (International Computer Driver’s License) certification as well. John was the Manager of a Technical Support Desk for a multinational for several years. Prior to that, he held roles as Project Lead on a national software implementation project, Systems Analyst and Programmer Analyst. Currently the owner of an IT Consultancy firm, John works regularly with businesses of all sizes to assist them in understanding and managing their data.
Learner Outcomes
At the end of the course:- The student will learn different condition types and know to how to apply it to Excel functions.
- The student will make accurate business conclusions derived from various financial functions and calculations.
- The student will understand cause and effect circumstances by changing data and how it can influence business decisions.
- The students will be able to apply different data scenarios to find optimal solutions for proper business decisions.
- The student will learn a variety of Excel’s most powerful features to analyze data quickly and easily.
Course Objectives- Understand and apply logical functions to their data in the worksheet.
- Demonstrate the need to learn and apply financial functions to data.
- Create data rules to determine types of data entered into a cell.
- Demonstrate working knowledge on how entered data can effect formulas and influence business decisions.
- Determine how to protect data in the workbook.
- Make effective business decisions by using a variety of data analysis tools
- Design a visual interface in spreadsheet to view relevant information.
Applies Towards the Following Digital Badges
- Excel Digital Badge - Online : Required Courses