LRN0063 - Online Self-Paced Management Badge
Course Description
Enhance your management skills through this program for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Discover the keys for effectively managing your employees. Find out how to create clear expectations, engage and motivate employees, and increase your effectiveness. Learn how to improve your management of time and productivity. Finally, get the keys to manage different generations in your workforce.
This Digital Badge requires completion of three required courses: Management Boot Camp, Collaborative Management and Managing Generations in the Workplace.
Course Outline
About Your Instructors:
Sally Klauss, MBA, CPCC, has an extensive background in management, employee training and development, total quality management and business management. She is also a leadership coach specializing in management development. She has experience teaching this program face-to-face for Riverside Community College.
Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Author, Mediator, Workplace Wellness Expert and Coach, who has a passion for helping people work and live well. For the past two decades she has helped to reduce workplace stress and tension, and to build safe, respectful workplaces to protect employees from bullying, harassment, discrimination and the negative impacts of interpersonal conflicts. She is creator of the innovative, holistic Wellness Improvement System, Wellness Assessment and the Workplace Wellness Improvement Program. Joyce is also creator of Canada’s premier Wellness Coaching Training Certificate program, a world class coach certification program.
Kassia Dellabough has written on the subjects of managing generationally, and generational learning styles. She does speaking all over the United States and Canada on the subject. And Dellabough does a four day intensive training institute for professionals on the subject. She considers generational differences as one important facet of diversity. She is a Qualified Meyers-Briggs Assessment Administrator, has a Neurolinguistic Practitioner Certification, and is a Global Career Development Facilitator certified by the GCDF Council for Credentialing & Education.