LRN0028 - Spanish for Medical Professionals
Course Description
Are you frustrated by the communication gap that can occur between you and your Spanish speaking patients? This Spanish class, designed specifically for healthcare professionals, will help you bridge that gap. Practice the basic, practical language skills needed to effectively communicate with your Spanish speaking patients and their families. Learn the basics, gain an understanding of the culture, and know how to ask the questions crucial to quality healthcare. For those who speak some Spanish and need a refresher or speak no Spanish, you will gain the skills to effectively communicate with your Spanish speaking patients.
Course Outline
Unit 1-Colors, nationalities, professions
-Vowels and Consonants
-Months and Days of the Week
-Numbers 1 - 31
-The verb to be, ‘ser’
Unit 2
The verb to have
-Describe possessions
-Describing feelings, pain or ailment
-Verb to be: Estar
-Location, position, and state of being
-Asking questions such as who, what, where, when and how
Unit 3
Vocabulary: Parts of the body
-Adjectives and Adverbs
-Idiomatic Expressions
-Conjugating regular “AR” “ER” and “IR” verbs
-Asking and answering, “Who” - “What” - “Where” questions
Unit 4
Medical Terminology
-Parts of the body
-Symptoms and injuries
-Medical emergencies
-First aid
-Common Illnesses
About your Instructor:
Cristina Sempé specializes in teaching her native language to adults, having taught more than 35 years at community colleges, community education programs, and for Cleveland City Schools’ adult education. She has designed effective Spanish lessons for a variety of groups with needs ranging from casual travel to professional development. Her specialized courses have been used in the private sector and in non-profit organizations to enhance employee interactions with Spanish-speaking employees, customers and clients. In addition to teaching, Ms. Sémpé is also a certified translator, having translated technical documents from Spanish to English and English to Spanish.
Learner Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course you will:1. Have the ability to form and speak simple sentences in Spanish.
2. Know how to tell time and identify the days of the week, months of the year, and how to ask for a birth date.
3. Identify and correctly pronounce body parts and symptoms in Spanish.
4. Be able to ask your Spanish-speaking patients about their medical history, age, and symptoms using “question” words such as how, when, who, do you, where, why, how much, which, what, what for, and to give instructions.
5. Effectively communicate with patients’ family members.
6. Have an understanding of cultural norms in Latin American countries.
Course Objectives1. To recognize the basic sounds of the Spanish language and the correct pronunciation
2. To be able to make introductions using the verb “to be,” adjectives and vocabulary related to the medical profession, and Spanish notions of gender and number for nouns, adjectives, articles and their agreements
3. To understand the Spanish uses of verb mood, tense number, and person
4. To identify parts of the body and names of different organs and bones, as well as symptoms and ailments
5. To acquire the ability to interview patients, take medical histories, conduct physical examinations, give prescriptions and follow-up instructions, and intervene with medical emergencies