
Course Description

Every successful manager uses financial information to make effective decisions. Accounting and Finance for Non-Financial Managers explains the financial concepts and accounting principles used in most businesses and provides practical techniques for increasing your organization's effectiveness. You will gain a better understanding of resource allocation and how to evaluate financial performance at the strategic and operational levels. Learn the importance of cash flow management as well as budgeting, goal setting, and performance assessment.



Course Outline

About Your Instructor:

Sharon deFonteny has a degree in Business Education with a concentration in Accounting, and spent many years in Corporate America working in Accounting and Finance. For the past 5 years she has created and taught online Business courses for Bucks County Community College. Her experience in business, as well as experience in teaching, has allowed her to help people understand the Accounting and Finance process.

Jodie Trana has had a career in business consulting and financial management. She then started a consulting and training organization offering educational consulting services to organizations such as the Kauffman Foundation, the largest foundation devoted to entrepreneurship. Jodie contributed the financial chapters for Kauffman’s textbooks and managed the curriculum design and facilitation process for their entrepreneurship educational programs. Her content specialties include accounting, financial analysis, business planning, cash flow analysis, and funding request analysis. Her background includes business and financial management in consulting, construction, non-profit, healthcare, and retail industries.





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