
William Anthony (Tony) Porter conducting Harper's Symphony Orchestra / Andrei Zuercher guest violinist

Course Description

The HSO is a vibrant ensemble that includes professional musicians, community members, and students. Our four-concert season runs from October to May and features a fantastic selection of orchestral literature, as well as collaborations with renowned soloists from around the world.

Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings, providing a consistent and convenient schedule for participants.

Why Join the HSO?
•    Enhance your musical skills by performing in a professional setting.
•    Connect with fellow musicians and contribute to the cultural life of our community.
•    Participate in exciting performances and work with distinguished soloists.

Who Can Join?
•    Harper College students, teachers, staff, and local musicians are all welcome to audition and become part of this dynamic group.
Rehearsal Schedule:
•    Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings, providing a consistent and convenient schedule for participants.

How to Register:
Click Add to Cart to register or contact 847 925-6300 to register by phone ((Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. [Friday 8:30 – 12:00 p.m. during the summer]).

For further details, audition arrangements, repertoire, and concert dates, contact the director Dr. Benjamin Firer at fb21447@harpercollege.edu


Ages 16+ 



An audition is needed to join the Harper Symphony Orchestra. Please contact Edward Hamel at ehamel@harpercollege.edu to set up an audition time. Practice a conventional concerto or solo for three to five minutes for your audition. Sightreading may be added at the conductor's discretion. 



The Symphony Orchestra is not currently open for enrollment, but we can arrange for any number of lessons you would like, click here for more information or contact the Community Music and Arts Center (CMAC) at cmac@harpercollege.edu.  If you’re a new student wanting to register for private lessons click here to fill out the new student form. If you would like us to notify you when enrollment opens, click and on the Request Information button below.

Thank you for your interest in this course. While we currently do not have a section open for enrollment, we invite you to join us the next time the class is offered. To ensure you don’t miss out, please complete a Course Inquiry and we’ll be sure to notify you as soon as the next enrollment opens.
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