
Course Description

This course has been revised. Beginning August 2024 it will be titled Word Part 1 (Microsoft 365)

Microsoft® Word 2019 is designed to help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional-looking documents. Its rich features and powerful tools can make your work easy, and even fun. In this course, you'll learn how to use Word 2019 to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof documents. Students need strong Windows and mouse skills to keep pace with this course. Keyboarding skills are recommended. PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Windows or equivalent experience.


Course Outline

  • Lesson 1: Getting Started with Word 2019
    • Navigate in Microsoft Word
    • Create and Save Word Documents
    • Manage Your Workspace
    • Edit Documents
    • Preview and Print Documents
    • Customize the Word Environment
  • Lesson 2: Formatting Text and Paragraphs
    • Apply Character Formatting
    • Control Paragraph Layout
    • Align Text Using Tabs
    • Display Text in Bulleted or Numbered Lists
    • Apply Borders and Shading
  • Lesson 3: Working More Efficiently
    • Make Repetitive Edits
    • Apply Repetitive Formatting
    • Use Styles to Streamline Repetitive Formatting Tasks
    • Managing Lists
    • Sort a List
    • Format a List
  • Lesson 5: Adding Tables
    • Insert a Table
    • Modify a Table
    • Format a Table
    • Convert Text to a Table
  • Lesson 6: Inserting Graphic Objects
    • Insert Symbols and Special Characters
    • Add Images to a Document
  • Lesson 7: Controlling Page Appearance
    • Apply a Page Border and Color
    • Add Headers and Footers
    • Control Page Layout
    • Add a Watermark
  • Lesson 8: Preparing to Publish a Document
    • Check Spelling, Grammar, and Readability
    • Use Research Tools
    • Check Accessibility
    • Save a Document to Other Formats

Learner Outcomes

  • Navigate and perform common tasks in Word, such as opening, viewing, editing, saving, and printing documents, and configuring the application.
  • Format text and paragraphs.
  • Perform repetitive operations efficiently using tools such as Find and Replace, Format Painter, and Styles.
  • Enhance lists by sorting, renumbering, and customizing list styles.
  • Create and format tables.
  • Insert graphic objects into a document, including symbols, special characters, illustrations, pictures, and clip art.
  • Format the overall appearance of a page through page borders and colors, watermarks, headers and footers, and page layout.
  • Use Word features to help identify and correct problems with spelling, grammar, readability, and accessibility.


This course has been revised. Beginning August 2024 it will be titled Word Part 1 (Microsoft 365)
Thank you for your interest in this course. While we currently do not have a section open for enrollment, we invite you to join us the next time the class is offered. To ensure you don’t miss out, please complete a Course Inquiry and we’ll be sure to notify you as soon as the next enrollment opens.
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