
Course Description

This course teaches organizations in manufacturing and general industry how to identify chemical hazards and their effects on employees and work locations. Participants learn to identify and avoid hazards proactively, sustain chemical hazard awareness, and evaluate and re-evaluate all chemical hazards according to industry guidelines. Students will be able to apply OSHA's Chemical Hazard Awareness Standards in Manufacturing and General Industry upon completion of the course.

Course Outline

  • Identify the scope, application and key definitions.
  • Recognize the hazards of chemicals in manufacturing and general industry.
  • Identify safe working conditions.
  • Learn about the chemical hazards standard.
  • Explain when to train, how to train and when to train and how often to train.
  • Discuss roles and responsibilities all manufacturing and general industry personnel.

Learner Outcomes

  • Identify, predict, decide and execute a chemical hazards plan.
  • Identify chemicals hazards in manufacturing and general industry.
  • Identify chemical hazards in you place of employment.
  • Understand the rules, regulations and where to find more information.
  • Identify roles and responsibilities.
  • Understand and apply the requirements.
  • Decide what countermeasures are needed to work safely with hazardous chemicals.
  • Execute a plan with regard to the safe working conditions, inspections, and training.

Related Course Recommendations

For Live-Online courses, students must have video capabilities to reinforce attendance and participation requirements.
Thank you for your interest in this course. While we currently do not have a section open for enrollment, we invite you to join us the next time the class is offered. To ensure you don’t miss out, please complete a Course Inquiry and we’ll be sure to notify you as soon as the next enrollment opens.
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