
Course Description

This course provides students with the tools needed to design a targeted resume to use when applying for positions in today’s job market. Learn how to create and save your resume in cloud-based platforms so they can be accessed anytime from any device with a wifi connection. Learn the strategies to make your resume stand out and speak specifically to the targeted position. Includes cover letter and follow-up strategies. Topic will cover how to save resumes in different forms such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs and PDF formats.

Course Outline

  1. Best Strategies to Create Your Resume
  2. How to Write a Targeted Resume
  3. How to Save Your Resume in Different Formats
  4. Best Cover Letter Strategies
  5. Accessing and Sharing Your Resume

Learner Outcomes

  • Know how to write a targeted resume based on specific job openings
  • Identify key words to use to help with get through applicant tracking systems
  • Create and access a digital version of their resume
  • Access your resume on various cloud-based platforms via wifi connection
  • Save and access your resume in different formats
  • Know how make your cover letter flow with your resume


Learners should have an updated copy of their resume
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Resume Writing Strategies
Online: With Live Meetings
6:00PM to 7:00PM
Nov 18, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Tuition and Fees non-credit $49.00 Click here to get more information
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