
Course Description

This course will give you a solid foundation for building and growing a successful digital business.

You will be given a step by step approach that is easy to follow, from building a simplified strategy to branding your business. You will learn to create a product and how to build and launch your own website, engage prospective customers, and implement a process that will drive fresh leads to your business. So whether you are looking to generate a nice side income or even to replace your current income and ditch your full time job, this course is for you.

Course Outline

Build a Foundation for Your Online Business

In this lesson, you'll build the foundation you need to start and to grow a successful online business. You'll gain an understanding of what an online business is, the key components that make it work, and the steps for building your own. You'll also learn about the three most popular online business models. Finally, you'll be introduced to the concept of a Visual Business Strategy (VBS) diagram, which you'll use to summarize your Internet business plan.

Create a Digital-Ready Business Brand

In this lesson, you'll learn how you can build a business brand that's ready to be launched online. First, you'll discover some secrets about developing a powerful and recognizable name for your business. Next, you'll learn how you can quickly and easily stake claim to that business name throughout the Internet. After that, you'll examine ways that you can get a logo to support your business branding. Finally, you'll gain an understanding of the importance of keywords and learn how to craft an effective keyword strategy for your business.

Build and Optimize a Product

In this lesson, you'll see how to create products and services that you can sell as part of your online business. First, you'll explore the various types of products and services and how to build them. Next, you'll consider what makes a "good" product and zero in on the right product for you. Finally, you'll look at how to tackle building your product, from creating your product development plan to leveraging your past efforts to build your product more quickly and efficiently.

Develop and Launch an Engaging Website

In this lesson, you'll tackle the task of creating and launching a business website. You'll gain an understanding of what type of website you should build and learn how to align it with your business strategy. Then you'll see how to develop an outline for your website, wireframe individual pages, and create or find the content that you'll need to make your web pages come alive. After that, you'll explore ways to build and launch your website without having to know anything about website design or coding. Finally, you'll learn what it means to "host" your website.

Set up Your Online Selling Process

In this lesson, you'll first gain an understanding of the basics of selling products on the Internet and learn how to design and document a sales process that aligns with your business strategy. Next, you'll learn how to how to implement your newly created sales process by selecting the right mix of third-party tools and accounts that work with your website to conduct business transactions online. Finally, you'll examine how you can monitor, track, and measure the effectiveness of your sales process and use that information to increase your sales over time.

Install a Digital Communication Network

In this lesson, you'll learn what a digital communication network is and why you need to develop one for your business. Next, you'll gain an understanding of the different types of digital communication methods and how you can use each to engage and develop relationships with your followers. Finally, you'll examine some advanced strategies that you can use to optimize and automate your communication with your prospects and customers on a consistent basis.

Your Email Management System

In this lesson, you'll first learn about the importance of utilizing an email management system to communicate with your prospects and customers. Next, you'll examine how you can set up your system, write engaging content, and deliver emails in a timely and automated manner. Finally, you'll explore some advanced email marketing strategies that you can put to use to help to grow your email list and increase engagement.

Socialize Your Online Business

In this lesson, you'll build a foundation for using social media to grow your business. You'll gain an understanding of the definition of social media, and explore key principles to make sure that you're using social media in the right way. Next, you'll learn about a process you can follow to consistently and effectively engage with prospects and customers. Finally, you'll learn about different ways to generate and publish content quickly and easily.

Build Multiple Online Lead Streams

In this lesson, you'll examine the importance of generating leads to maintain a healthy and vibrant online business. First, you'll explore the concept of a lead generation process and review the types that exist. Next, you'll produce a lead generation strategy that is customized for your business. Finally, the lesson will outline the steps necessary to implement and systematize the lead generation processes that you have selected to drive targeted prospects to your website.

Using Video to Grow Your Online Business

Why should you consider using video as one of your main lead generation processes to grow your online business? In this lesson, you'll find out why. The lesson will show you some steps that you can take to create effective videos without being a video expert. Next, you'll take a peek at basic and advanced methods to create and distribute videos to gain exposure for your online business. Finally, you'll learn how to host, record, and automate the delivery of videos through webinars.

Create an Online Partnership Program

In this lesson, you'll gain an understanding of how you can build a partnership program to introduce more people to your online business. First, you'll learn what a partner program is and how it can help grow your business. Next, you'll explore the key aspects of any partnership program and how to integrate it into your website. Finally, you'll examine some key strategies for introducing your partnership program to prospects as well as new and future customers to generate an ongoing stream of fresh leads.

Implement an Online Support Center

In this lesson, you'll see how to implement an online support center for your business. First, you'll learn about the type of expectations that online customers have for customer service and support, and then examine the important pieces of any online support center. Next, you'll explore both basic and advanced ways that you can provide customer service support over the Internet and investigate various support solutions that you can use. Finally, you'll examine some key strategies for engaging with new and legacy customers to maximize customer satisfaction and to minimize refunds.

About Your Instructor:

Brad Semp, Ph.D., is Chief Executive Officer, CEO, at a global corporation, a life-long entrepreneur, and a former professor of Bachelors and Masters of Science courses in Internet Marketing. Dr. Brad is active on social media platforms to engage with prospects and customers, expand relationships, and to grow businesses. He routinely coaches other entrepreneurs and business owners and consults with Fortune 500 organizations on how to design and implement effective social media systems, strategies, and tactics.

Learner Outcomes

Course Outcomes

Discover the techniques, tools and strategies necessary to create a successful online business

Create a healthy and vibrant online business by generating leads to continually grow your business

Be able to supply your online customers with online support to increase customer satisfaction and minimize refunds


Course Objectives:

Learn to build a business brand that is ready to be launched online

Learn to create products and services that you can sell as part of your online business

Create and launch a business website

Learn to set up an email management system, write engaging content, and deliver emails in a timely manner

Learn to generate leads to keep your business growing

Learn how to implement an online support center for your business

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Start Your Own Online Business
Online-Self Paced
Feb 12, 2025 to Apr 04, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $129.00 Click here to get more information
Section Notes

Instructor-Moderated: Once a course session starts, two lessons will be released each week for the 6 week duration of your course. You will have access to all previously released lessons until the course ends. You will interact with the instructor through the online discussion area. There are no live sessions or online meetings with the instructor.

The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.

Login information will be sent prior to the start of class via email.

Hardware Requirements:

This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac.

Software Requirements:

PC: Windows 8 or newer.

Mac: macOS 10.6 or later.

Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge and Safari are also compatible.

Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.


Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.

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