
Course Description

Comedy comes in many forms and this class will highlight and develop two of the most common. Throughout this course you will earn how to find comedy in everyday life and work on comedy sketches and stand-up comedy routines.  You will create a comedy routine with the help of the teachers that best fits your voice. Learn to spot the set-up and the punch line. Modeled (loosely) on the Drybar social media platform you will learn that good comedy is built from experiences, is smart and a good comic can develop material that is from the most random of subjects and be enjoyable for all. Sketch work will be solo and in teams. You will learn how to put skits together, timing and how to deliver the line that will have everyone laughing and wondering what you are going to say next.
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Section Title
Stand Up and Sketch Comedy Creation
Youth: In-Person
M, T, W, Th, F
1:00PM to 2:25PM
Jul 22, 2024 to Aug 02, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
T425 non-credit $225.00 Click here to get more information
Section Notes
Ages 8-14
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