
Course Description

Also called Mindfulness in Motion, Yoga means weaving or yoking together of mind, body and spirit. Imagine being in a relaxed yogic state and practicing wherever you sit regardless of your age, level of activity or physical size. Chair yoga is specifically designed for those that desire an adaptive yoga program whether for personal needs, workplace stress management, etc. You will move your entire body through its full range of motion in concert with your breathing to balance the nervous system, elicit a deep sense of relaxation in your mind-body physiology, increase flexibility, improve strength and balance and so much more. No yoga experience necessary. Bring a yoga strap or flexible belt/tie for some of the poses. Age: 16+ years.

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Section Title
Chair Yoga
Online: With Live Meetings
5:15PM to 6:15PM
Oct 28, 2024 to Dec 16, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $125.00 Click here to get more information
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