
Course Description

Wine and cheese are natural partners, but some pairings can be disastrous while others can bring out the subtle beauty of taste in each. The wine pairing is typically the same as the main course, though a bright Riesling or light Beaujolais can also complement the richness of the cheese. The focus is on savoring each cheese's unique flavors and textures, rather than treating it as a snack. 

We will prepare the appropriate pairings with various wines. You will taste a variety of both wine and cheese while developing your understanding of both. You will then be able to create the wine and cheese experiences you seek in a variety of settings.


Course Outline



"If a friend would ask me today: 'Would you recommend me to sign-up on a Wine Tasting course at Harper College?' My immediate and sincere answer: 'YES, absolutely without a doubt!' Congratulations in providing me with an outstanding personal enrichment experience! Throughout this 3-day course, I had the opportunity to connect with a true passion embedded in my DNA. Nevertheless, this would have not being possible without the guidance of Marcel Flori. Marcel possess a unique combination of being an extraordinary wine sommelier and person! Certainly, Marcel’s influence throughout the course has not only encourage me to keep nurturing my passion on wine appreciation, but also in the pursuit of my life ambitions! Very enthusiastic to enroll in the next offering on wine tasting courses." Ricardo Freyre

"Marcel, I just want to let you know how much I enjoy your class and am looking forward to Thursday. Hope you will have more classes, since I am a novice in the wine area and am anxious to learn. Thank you for a wonderful session." Taimi Wilk


Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Wine and Cheese Pairings
Palatine (Main)
7:00PM to 9:00PM
Sep 11, 2024 to Sep 25, 2024
Schedule and Location
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Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $149.00 Click here to get more information
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