
Course Description

Story Development is the secret to writing great stories! It is an exploratory, organizational, story building process—for ALL writers—which expands on the fundamentals of storytelling. You will learn to isolate your Simple Story Concept and Genre; Plot around a Central Theme; flesh-out Characters and their motivations; deepen Relationships and their potential for Tension; choose ideal Settings and Locations; and construct a solid Framework. Overall, you will learn how to sort through too many ideas; to fill voids where your stories are lacking; to avoid tangents; and to align your story ideas to ensure that your writing is more Focused, Cohesive, and Entertaining. As an added bonus, you will be in the company of other kindred writers who will share your struggles and triumphs and offer supportive feedback.


Thank you for your interest in this course. While we currently do not have a section open for enrollment, we invite you to join us the next time the class is offered. To ensure you don’t miss out, please complete a Course Inquiry and we’ll be sure to notify you as soon as the next enrollment opens.
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