
Course Description

¿Usted ya se siente a gusto con su abilidad de hablar en español, pero todavía no tiene la fluidez deseada? Would you like to explore the language and culture more in depth? If you have recently completed Conversational Level III or Accelerated Level II at Harper College, join the Discusion En Espanol course, In this eight week course, the presence of the teacher will ensure that you are correctly using what you have learned and will help you gain additional knowledge into the cultural aspects of the people and countries that use Spanish. Submerge yourself in Spanish conversation with current events and incorporation of lectures, movies, art and other cultural subjects. Inscribase hoy.
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Section Title
Discusion En Espanol
T, Th
5:30PM to 6:30PM
Oct 15, 2024 to Dec 12, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Tuition and Fees non-credit $199.00 Click here to get more information
Section Notes

No Class November 5th and November 28th.


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