
Course Description

We are experiencing many unexpected challenges that are creating obstacles to achieve success and well-being. The goal for this courses to explore skills and practices to awaken "your treasures within".
These are the innate abilities and gifts you have been given to overcome your challenges to create new success and satisfaction. I have worked with many clients over the years as a Business Coach and Mental Health Psychotherapist who have allowed these challenges to prevent them from achieving the success that was possible for them. I have shown them how "to take new steps" to achieve a more
positive future. I look forward to explore these skills and strategies with you. Monthly assignment will be given to assist in accomplishing your goals. Course meets once a month for 5 months; January, February, March, April and May 2025.
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Section Title
Changing Obstacles Into New Possibilities For Life Success
2:00PM to 4:00PM
Jan 14, 2025 to May 20, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $234.00
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