Located at: Highland Community College 2998 W. Pearl City Rd., Freeport, IL 61032
Classes will meet in Building N, room 158.
**Minors please note: a parent or legal guardian will be required to sign the IDOT and MSF Liability waivers (linked to on the homepage) in the presence of the course instructors prior to the start of the class or to have the forms signed in the presence of a notary (a service provided by most banks) if a parent or guardian cannot be present at the first class session.
The Basic RiderCourse (BRC) provides 20 hours of classroom and on-motorcycle instruction. You must be an Illinois resident 16 years of age or older. The BRC covers the basics of operating a motorcycle and safety-oriented mental strategies. Motorcycles and helmets are provided for your use. Successful completion of this course will waive both state licensing tests for those 18 years of age and older. Students under 18 must still take both state licensing tests. The course may also earn you an insurance discount.
The Basic RiderCourse2 (BRC2) provides a total of 12 hours of in-person classroom and on-motorcycle instruction. This program has elements of the BRC. You must be an Illinois resident 18 years of age or older. It is designed for riders who already possess basic skills but lack a motorcycle classification or simply want more guided practice on basic riding skills. Motorcycles and helmets are provided for your use. Successful completion of this course will waive both state licensing tests for those 18 years of age and older. The course may also earn you an insurance discount.