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Nutrition is a major determinant of health as well as many common chronic diseases. Understanding the role of food and water, and making appropriate changes in one's diet can have powerful effects, both positive and negative, on health throughout life, influencing current health and whether or not an individual develops diseases as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The burden of chronic diseases is rapidly increasing worldwide as traditional, largely plant- based diets are quickly being replaced by high-fat, energy-dense diets with a substantial content of animal-based foods. Hunger and malnutrition also remain devastating problems facing the majority of the world's poor and needy people. The relationship between nutrition and disease is irrefutable. This certificate addresses these issues and more and provides a solid foundation of knowledge and information to support individuals who wish to enhance their own well-being as well as health care professionals who wish to evolve in their profession, create new job opportunities for themselves in the exploding field of nutrition, health promotion, lifestyle coaching, etc.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe the relationship between nutrition, chronic disease, and health promotion.

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