
Course Description

Acquire the basic skills to boost your web site traffic, including how to analyze your visitor traffic, how to use search engine optimization, SEO, to get greater visibility and exposure in Google searches. You will also learn from an SEO expert how to redesign your web site copy to increase your visitors and results. No experience necessary.

Course Outline

Unit 1

Why web site analysis works
Why web site managers analyze their visitor traffic
Creating goals and objectives for your web site
Understanding the web site visitor experience
How data analysis can improve web site outcomes

Unit 2

How Google Analytics functions
Setting up Google Analytics accounts
Analyzing traffic sources and visitor traffic
Redesigning pages to improve retention
Testing web site versions with Google Optimizer

Unit 3

Search Engine Optimization
Understanding how page ranking and positions are determined
Redesigning the title bar, alt tags, heading area, and links your URL
Keyword density and rewriting web page copy
Strategies to improve your page rank

Unit 4

Moving to Web 2.0
Generation Y and the Web 2.0 Attitude
Developing user-created content
Creating interactive web sites
The future of web sites

About Your Instructors:

Dan Belhassen is an expert in eMarketing. He does writing, training, and consulting all over North America on the topic.

He is founder of Modern Earth, located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  Modern Earth does a range of eMarketing for its clients, including email promotions, web site development, search engine optimization, and online advertising.

Dan spends about 3 hours a day researching eMarketing and is a popular instructor on the topic.

Susan Hurrell is an Online Marketing specialist with Modern Earth, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  She helps clients know how to connect web viewers to the products, services or information they are searching for.  PPC or Facebook ads, search engine optimization and dynamic sell-copy creation are her specialities to help websites deliver measurable results in viewer conversion, and increase traffic driven by online marketing initiatives.


Learner Outcomes

At the end of the course, you will:
  • Have an overall understanding of how Google Analytics works and how to analyze your web site visitor traffic;
  • Possess guidelines on how to track web page views, unique and returning visitors, exit pages and other web site visitor trends;
  • Know how to improve your web site strategies based on your current traffic and statistics;


Course Objectives
  • To provide participants with an overview and understanding of how web site analysis works and how Google Analytics enables web site managers to analyze their web site traffic;
  • To provide participants with the practical, how-to knowledge of how to analyze their web site visitor traffic, including analyzing traffic sources, top landing pages, top exit pages, number of visits, and bounce rates;
  • To provide participants with the knowledge of how to enhance web site copy, navigation and design to improve your successful web site conversions and meet your web site strategy effectively;
  • To provide participants with the knowledge of how to test different web site versions to attract and retain web site visitors and customers better;
  • To provide participants with an understanding of what Web 2.0 means, and how interactive and engaging content and features is transitioning the web from a one way experience to more of a two-way relationship, meeting web site visitor needs better.


"Excellent presentations! I felt like I learned a lot by watching them, especially the importance of social media." - Trish Lutter

"Wow, this week I feel like I am finally understanding the basics and will be able to use this knowledge as we switch over to our new site." - Heidi Prior

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Section Title
Boosting Your Website Traffic
Online-Self Paced
Oct 07, 2024 to Nov 01, 2024
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $195.00 Click here to get more information
Section Notes

For further information on this course, please contact dlanpher@harpercollege.edu.

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