Programming and Web Development
Program success in your IT career.
The demand for skilled Software Developers continues to grow and employment in this career category is projected to increase much faster than most other occupations in the coming years. Software Developers are detail-oriented and have excellent problem-solving and analytical abilities. Mobile and emerging technologies, and an increase in the demand for computer software, has dramatically impacted the increased demand for software developers.
Java Programmer: The Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 learning paths provide novice and experienced Java Programmers and Application Developers with the skills and knowledge on how to get the most from the features and enhancements available with Java SE 8. The Java Programmer badge covers the essentials of the Java programming language and provides experience with several related technologies required for a career in software development. The badge includes two courses. The first course, Java Fundamentals, explores the language in detail, including program structure, variables and data types, object oriented programming, encapsulation and constructors. The second course, Java Programming, covers more advanced features of the Java programming language including Java Collections framework, multi-threaded applications, and Database applications with JDBC. This program prepares for the Oracle Certified Associate and Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer certification exams. Click here for more information.
Python Programming: Earn a Harper College Continuing Education Python Programming digital badge. Over the past few years, Python has become one of the most popular programming languages. It is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. This digital badge program will explore the benefits and usefulness of Python. Discover more complex and applied areas of Python programming. Learn how to use this knowledge to work with data structures, develop custom scripts, GUI applications, and portable exe programs. Click here for more information.
R Programming: Earn a Harper College Continuing Education R Programming digital badge. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis. Learn R programming and become skilled in this open source language and software environment. R programs are used to facilitate data analysis and visualization and help build predictive models. In this digital badge program, you will learn how to define a predictive modeling problem to study; learn R commands for data analysis, program a real-time predictive tool, and apply your approach to different predictive problems as part of class projects. Click here for more information.